Children's Educational Theater
"Anything is possible, if you only believe!" (Bugly the Frog)
Kimberly Sumerel / Executive Director
Ms. Sumerel grew up in South Carolina, and attended Columbia College where she studied Speech Communications and Dance. She continued the remainder of her studies on a talent scholarship awarded by Brigham Young University in Theater/Cinematic Arts, followed by a successful career performing professionally, writing and directing plays for various arts and theater organizations throughout the South as well as designing cultural and leisure events for city parks and recreation.
After a short stint in New York City studying the dance choreography to the Broadway show, "A Chorus Line," Ms. Sumerel went on to further her artistic talents by directing and appearing in radio and television commercials for Mercantile Stores of New York, N.Y., Belk Lindsey Stores, J.C. Penny and Sears Stores.
In an effort to promote literacy, Ms. Sumerel organized regional state high school creative writing events in cooperation with local and national literacy organizations by coordinating the book publication, What the World Needs Now. Ms. Sumerel has been involved in children's theater for over 30 years as well as acted as Executive Director for Children's Educational Theater programs.
As an artistic director, Ms. Sumerel works in cooperation with organizations, schools and libraries throughout Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida, offering young people the opportunity to observe and understand the importance of self worth through educational theater by presenting programs designed to encourage and promote self esteem. Ms. Sumerel is best known for writing and producing the award winning children's story show, A Magical Pond, which was created in 1995.
A Magical Pond was winner in a national children's writer's competition. The story was later published by Kelly Press for a children's bedtime story book. In 1996, the story was re-written for the stage, complimented with award winning music, recognized for its inspiring elements and uplifting beat and performed by some of the top talents in stage and theater. A Magical Pond has been critically acclaimed by parents and educators as one of the most innovative and inspirational stories about self worth, and the belief that "Anything is possible, if you only believe!"
In 2006, Ms. Sumerel was recognized as an award winning playwright at the Panoply Arts Festival. Her play, "Dinner with the Dixons," a story about families in the South, gave readers a look into the every day life of growing up "southern"with a humorous twist.
In addition to writing and directing children's theater presentations, Ms. Sumerel offers creative programs to libraries. Ms. Sumerel & Company completed a busy 2008 library tour program,"Catch the Reading Bug,"along with the Tennessee library program,"Starship Adventure at Your Library."All concluded to rave reviews with invitations to return again to assist with the 2009 summer theme, "Be Creative at Your Library."
Because Ms. Sumerel works very closely with the Alabama, Florida & Tennessee Department of Education, she is constantly challenged to design new creative programs for extended school summer curriculum's. 2009 offered
communities in 3 southern states, an opportunity to exercise their imagination in a summer filled with art, music, dance and drama! Summer 2010 was also a huge hit with Ms. Sumerel and Company touring 3 states where everyone"SPLASHED into READING!"
The 2017 summer collaborative reading program was again a program that offered young readers a chance to explore and learn with a summer fun theme BUILD A BETTER WORLD! 6 months of preparation go into producing the finest in educational programming. And with each season, the rewards are knowing, a difference was made in the life of a young person!
2024 was another fun summer for young readers. The summer's theme ADVENTURES AT YOUR LIBRARY, took readers to many faraway places where they discovered different cultures and learned about other ways of life in different parts of the world.
When not directing or performing, Ms. Sumerel writes promotional and media material for private companies and individuals seeking to promote their business through written work. She is also an avid painter and her art can be viewed at Ms. Sumerel has 2 daughters, both of whom are business professionals in the fields of fashion and marketing. She enjoys painting, creative writing, jazz, great seafood, golf, hockey, pro baseball, crafts and the fabulous singing voice of Linda Eder!!
Career Highlights
Ms. Sumerel has been presenting educational programming and cultural events for over 30 years. She brings her expertise and experience to organizations wanting to enhance their creative curriculum by offering programs that encourage, educate and inspire!
* Former member/SC Fine Arts Commission
* Recipient of grant from Washington D.C. to represent South Carolina in * Cali South America/ Purpose: Present Cultural Arts Presentation
* Artistic Instructor/ Columbia College Gingerbread Theater, Workshop Theater, Columbia College Dance Company
* Programming/ Writer & Artistic Director for Stage and television fashion shows for Mercantile Stores, Fashion Freedom, Changing Moods on Campus, Fashion Phoenix, Fashion Forum, etc. Professional model and commentary for television and radio commercials (Seen on WNOK TV/CBS affiliate, WOLO TV/ABC affiliate, WIS TV/NBC affiliate. Performer and production coordinator for SCTV (South Carolina Educational Television)
* Organizer and writer for various city benefit fashion events; Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children, Heart Fund, Mid Carolina Health Society, Midlands Association for the Retarded Children, etc.
* Selected Youth Advisory Council for SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE
* Special Events Programming Instructor/ South Carolina Commission for the Blind
* Special Media Promoter/Writer and participant in radio and television commercials for J.B. White's Department Stores, Belk Lindsey Stores, J.C. Penny Stores and Sears Store
* Winner of the Junior Fashion Board Award (Mercantile Stores) in a non-visual program for blind teenagers of SC and the boards program on Drug Abuse
* Writer/Movement/ Script Consultant South Carolina First Nighter's Theatrical Readers
* Artistic Choreographer/Stage South Touring Company
* Writer/ Coordinator for Stage South Playbill/ Seasonal (Advertising)
* Public Relations/ Writer for Belk Department Store Fashion Shows
* Special Events and Dance Coordinator/ St. Andrews Parks Department
* Creative Programming Designer/ Charleston Parks Department
* Served on the Advisory Board of the University of South Carolina Health Fitness Program
Scholarship/ Brigham Young University/ Drama Cinematic Arts Award
Choreographer/ Director/ Brigham Young University
* Studied choreography/ A CHORUS LINE BROADWAY SHOW
* Served as Hostess to the Annual Congress for Recreation and Parks
* Served in the Entertainment and Education Department/ Sea World of Florida/ Public relations and commentary for shows
* Contracted to design leisure, cultural and fitness programs for Metropolitan Life Properties/ Orlando Florida
* Committee Member Florida Artisans
2005 Alabama Alliance for Arts Education2006 Alabama Readers Association State Conference /Huntsville
2008 Alabama Library Association Conference/Birmingham
2006/2008 Alabama Book Festival/Montgomery
2006-2018 Florida Libraries
2006- 2013 Alabama Libraries
2006-2013 Tennessee Libraries
Executive Director Children's Educational Theater Programs- Current
Southern Arts & Artists Productions LLC
Southern Arts and Events LLC - Current
SECTV Educational TV South Carolina
* Tennessee and Alabama
* Mall Associations
* Woodhill Mall/ Dutch Square Mall & Richland Mall
* Decatur Mall Special Events
* Bridge Street/Huntsville Ala.
* Carolina Coliseum
* (Half time entertainment coordinator for The University of South Carolina)