"Anything is possible, if you only believe!" (Bugly the Frog)

Hello Readers,
Bugly the Frog Here!
We think it is AWESOME that you LOVE
BOOKS! We do too! We have (4) great books you can order. 
Ages 3-6 years. 
Available on AMAZON

A Magical Pond: A story about Self-Worth

Bugly's Leap: A Story About Self Worth
Milo the Monkey: A Lesson in Kindness
Mochi and Me: Learning Compassion for Others

Letter from Elizabeth in Florida
" Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I am from Florida.
I saw your summer program at my library and
wanted to tell you that my sister and I really liked
it a lot. It was funny. I loved all the fish and my
favorite fish was the one with the circles on it.
She was different and everyone made fun of her.
The bigger fish said she could not sing
but the story was about being different
and how it didn't matter what you looked like,
just be who you are.
It reminded me of my favorite Dr. Seuss book
about the Sneeches.
I also liked the music and the part where
the whale got everyone wet.
Thank you for your story and telling
everyone it is OK to be different."

Children's Educational Theater is funded in part by educational organizations and businesses who contract us to present programs that educate, entertain and promote the self worth of all. We are also supported by private contributions from those who believe in the betterment of quality programs for the youth of today. We are extremely grateful to those who help us in the continuation of our programs. 

We invite you to join us in giving others a reason to believe!

 We especially want to thank BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY

for allowing us to play an excerpt of their

music in one of our live theater shows so

that we may continue to bring quality

educational and entertaining programs to


Support the Arts!

Special Thanks
Since 1997, Children's Educational Theater has had the opportunity to work with some very talented people. Many go on to further pursue their creative endeavors and others return to assist us with our many programs we offer throughout the year.
Sometimes, not enough is said about these individuals who dedicate their time and expertise in presenting quality entertainment. We would like to thank all of them and wish them well with all their creative ventures. We are proud of their work and recognize that without them, we could never have brought these programs to so many!
Our "hats off" to those talented people!

Special Note: We are strong advocates for quality creative programming and work closely with numerous state organizations who believe the arts should be an integral part of any curriculum allowing for exploration, creativity and thought!