"Anything is possible, if you only believe!" (Bugly the Frog)


Creative Drama Workshops
Ages 8-16

What is Creative Drama? 

"Creative Dramatics" is structured, goal-oriented creative play where students are encouraged to explore their imaginations, learn how to communicate ideas, and learn how to feel comfortable with themselves and their role in society. Creative drama can help children learn about emotions, problem solving, and relating to other people. Through their experiences with drama, students develop their imaginations and their confidence. One of the most special things about creative drama is that there are no "wrong" answers - through creative play, animals can talk, kids can travel to outer space or the jungle, and the sky can be green while the grass is blue. 

It is our intent to entertain, educate and enhance the lives of all, where everyone is encouraged to remember... 

"Anything is possible, if you only believe!"

An excellent program that addresses the self worth of a child and "bullying."

Growing self esteem!

​An entertaining and educational presentation comprised of singing, music, storytelling and interactive audience participation.

Critically acclaimed by educators, artistic professionals, parents and those dedicated to recognizing the needs of young people

as one of the most innovative and inspirational stories about self worth, and
 the belief...
Anything is possible, if you only believe!

 Length: 45 minutes


We will come to your location.

Children's Educational Theater continuously offers a series of workshops for students who are in extended school programs or wish to participate in programs after school. Each participant will be given the opportunity to create, learn and express themselves through dance, music, drama and art.   
These creative workshops allow for exploration and discovery. Students will be challenged to exercise their imaginations using story enactment, theater games, music, art, creative movement, and more with a "hands on" approach to learning.

Children's Educational Theater Director and award winning Florida author & playwright, Kimberly Sumerel and company will take students on an exploration in the arts where imaginations will be allowed to...


​​Cast of Characters
Three crazy singing frogs, a fairy who'd rather travel on roller blades and a HUGE ARRAY of "larger than life" zany and colorful puppets who all live on a Magical Pond.


Bugly: A typical bull frog. Greenish in color. "Toadish" in nature. Bugly can croak a rhythmic tune, enjoys the amphibian life of a frog, loves reality frog shows and enjoys the taste of delicious delectable ju ju flies......except for one small thing. He is afraid to swim (and a few other one hundred things)

Hip: A toad tapping rapping friend of Bugly's. 92nd cousin to Hop. Hip and Hop taunt Bugly about his fears and are determined to get him off his lily pad no matter what it takes!


Hop: "been there, done that, seen it too" type of frog. Hop knows everything about the proper amphibian etiquette!" Every frog knows how to swim and with a little sly persuasion and some hilarious antics, Hop believes he can convince Bugly to face his fears.


Fairy: A wise and beautiful fairy, (we say that to make her feel good) summoned by the magic of the pond, demonstrates to Bulgy....."anything is possible if you only believe!" ......and who wouldn't believe a fairy who travels on roller blades?

 Educational Tour for Schools 

Grades K- 6th grade

Award Winning Presentation


 Children's Educational Theater Programs


A Magical Pond